Cheshire Road Race Grand Prix Results

2003 I 2004 I 2005 I 2006 I 2007 I 2008 I 2009 I 2010 I 2011 I 2012 I 2013 I 2014 I 2015 I 2016 I 2017 I 2018 I 2023




1.                  The Cheshire County RR GP will comprise a number of open races within the county of Cheshire during the calendar year.

2.                  Where possible, the events chosen will be across a range of distances, and spread throughout the county, and the timeframe of the GP.

3.                  The GP will be administered by a Co-ordinator, whose decision in the event of any dispute will be final.

4.                  Any Cheshire-based club must indicate their willingness to take part in the GP by registering, and must appoint a club rep, who will deal with eligibility queries etc.

5.                  There is no fee to register for the GP.

6.                  Clubs may, at the discretion of the Co-ordinator, be allowed to register at any time during the GP, but points will not be allocated retrospectively for races already completed.

7.                  The GP will comprise of 7 events, with a club's best 5 scores counting toward the team award.

8.                  There will also be an individual competition, with a runner's best 4 scores to count.

9.                  Men and women are scored separately.

10.              Any race chosen as part of the GP will either send a supply of race entry forms to the club rep of each registered club, or provide an internet address of the form.

11.              The GP is open only to first-claim, EA-registered athletes.

12.              If a runner moves from one GP-registered club to another once they have already taken part in a GP race that season, then their results so far will stand, but they will not be able to count for their new club for the remainder of the season, even if they have served any 'ban'. They will though still be eligible to score individual points.

13.              Once a club is registered, no special entry requirements apply. Runners just enter races as they would for any other open road race, and the GP Co-ordinator will identify eligible runners in the results supplied by the race organiser.

14.              If, after entering a GP race, a runner is unable to compete, his/her number must not be given to a club colleague, or anyone else. As well as being against UKA rules, it will lead to disqualification from the GP for both runners concerned.

15.              Scoring system: Points are awarded based on finishing position within the GP on the following basis:-
(All ineligible and non-scoring runners are removed from the results first)
   Men:   100-99-98-.....-3-2-1  with 6 to score for a team
60-59-58-.....-3-2-1  with 4 to score for a team


Cheshire County Road Race Grand Prix registration form


Any other Cheshire-affiliated clubs who wish to register can do so by contacting Adrian Thiemicke on 01606 851148, or E-mail .

Male Road Running Champions I Female Road Running Champions