

CCAA Constitution - As agreed at AGM on 11/02/2019

1. Title.
The Association shall be the Cheshire County Athletic Association, herein referred to as “the Association”.

2. County District.
The County District shall be that of the County of Cheshire established in 1974, herein referred to as “the County”.

3. Objectives.
The Objectives of the Association shall be:

a) to encourage, promote and develop athletics in the County;
b) to represent the County on all appropriate bodies;
c) to select and manage teams representing the county;
d) to promote, organize and encourage the holding of athletic competitions, meetings, championships and events in the County;
e) encourage the recruitment and training of Officials and Coaches;
f) support the development of Awards and Standards schemes;
g) encourage the improvement in performance by the use of “Power of 10” and similar schemes;
h) to attract sponsorship and to apply for funding of its activities.

4. Affiliation.
The Association shall be affiliated to England Athletics (EA).

5. Membership.
a) All clubs whose headquarters lie within the County and whose constitutions and objects are consistent with those of UKA and are affiliated to EA shall be considered as members of the Association. The Association will ultimately decide whether a club is allowed to affiliate.
b) Members of a club affiliated to EA whose headquarters are outside the area defined in Rule 2, who have valid Cheshire County qualifications, may enter County championships organised by the Association as individuals or a team.
c) The Association has the power to levy a membership fee for clubs, the level of the fee being decided at an Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting.

6. General Meetings.
a) Annual General Meeting.
An Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held in February. The Honorary Secretary shall notify the secretary of each member Club of the proposed time and venue of the meeting at least 42 days in advance, requiring that nominations for Officers of the Association and other items of business for the meeting shall be notified in writing and/or by e-mail at least 28 days before the meeting is due to take place.
The Honorary Secretary shall, at least 14 days before the meeting, notify the secretary of each member Club in writing and/or by e-mail, of the business to be transacted at the meeting, which shall include the following:
i) Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting and of any Extraordinary General Meeting that may have been held during the past year, and any business arising therefrom;
ii) the annual report of the Association;
iii) Honorary Treasurer’s statement and accounts and Auditor’s report;
iv) election of Officers for the ensuing year;
v) election of a General Committee;
vi) elect Vice-Presidents (non-voting);
vii) elect an Emergency Committee of five members;
vii) appoint an Honorary Auditor
ix) other notified appropriate business.

b) Extraordinary General Meeting
An Extraordinary General Meeting of the association shall be called and held within 28 days:
i) at the instruction of three Officers of the Association
ii) at the instruction of the General Committee.
iii) on receipt of a written request from 10 member clubs or 25% of member Clubs, whichever is the least.
The Honorary Secretary shall notify the secretary of each member Club at least 14 days prior to the meeting stating the time and venue and the business to be transacted at that meeting. No other business may be brought forward or discussed at the meeting.

c) Quorum
No business shall be transacted at a General Meeting unless representatives of at least six clubs in full membership are present.

d) Voting Rights.
Voting shall be a show of hands unless a ballot is demanded. Each member club will be entitled to one vote and only those persons present who are eligible to vote may do so.

7. Management of the Association.
The management of the Association shall be vested in a General Committee consisting of the following who shall be responsible for carrying out the Objects of the Association:

Officers of the Association:

a) President
b) Chairperson
c) Vice Chairperson
d) Honorary Secretary
e) Honorary Treasurer
f) Officials Secretary.
g) Representative from the Cheshire Schools Athletic Association
h) One representative from each member club not otherwise represented.

The General Committee shall have powers to co-opt additional members.
The General Committee shall appoint sub-committees as are considered desirable to administer particular areas of business. All sub-committee members need not be members of the General Committee.

The General Committee shall meet at least four (4) times a year. A quorum for any meetings of the General Committee shall be six members from any three different clubs.

8. Finance
The financial year of the Association shall end on the 31st of December.
The Association will be financially responsible for itself and cover:
a) championship events;
b) representative teams;
c) match promotions;
d) equipment and clothing;
e) committee meetings
f) general meetings
g) postage, telephone and stationery expenses of the Secretary and Treasurer.

9. County Championships
Any athlete who complies with the Rule on County Qualifications of the UKA Rules for Competition (currently Rule 21 S 6) shall be eligible to take part in the County Championships organised by the Association.

Awards will be presented at the County Championships at the discretion of the General Committee.

The County colours are black vest with yellow piping and letters. The County badge shall be the Wheatsheaf.

County vests or badges shall be awarded to athletes representing the County at Inter-county championship meetings on making their first appearance for the County. The Association may determine that partial or full payment be made for the cost of the vest.

10. Alterations to Rules.
No modifications shall be made to the rules of the constitution except at a properly convened General Meeting of the Association. Any substantive change shall require a favourable vote of two thirds of those present and voting, unless such a change is required to comply with the rules of UKA, when a simple majority will suffice.

Any matter not provided for in the rules of this Constitution shall be considered by the General Committee, whose decision shall be binding, subject to any appeal which may be provided for by the Rules of UK Athletics.